Friday, June 4, 2010


Finally! The time has come! These designs are drawn by moi, Vicki.

Finding my Feet again

Knee high boots are back, a new trend I personally think Lady GaGa brought back, but, each to their own. Also,
 ankle boots are back in season, so which will you choose? Knee high or ankle? 
It's an odd mix for the season, admittedly, but some celebrities are pulling it off.

Another popular look is the hippie headband thing. You accomplish this look by getting a thin head band and wrapping it around you forehead, which might be a tad excruciatingly painful for some. If you had a tight one, that is. 

Here's another Liana paper doll I forgot to add.


I found this awesome paper doll blog with really cool fashions. Some of it's brilliance is posted above. The blue last one is meant to be Bella Swan's prom dress, and the first one her wedding dress. The URL is and I highly advise you visit it. Supposedly there's a new one each day, and Liana (blog's owner's name) has been keeping that promise, but she forgot about it for a while last year. There's millions of designs, I can promise that. Soon  I will be uploading my own fashions but not yet. Must. Find. Camera. Computer. Connector. Thingymabobby.